Class Offerings
19 I
COVID -19 Tuition Info
Due to COVID -19, we will be implementing new policies if/when we are mandated by the Governor to either limit class sizes and/or shut down and resort to Zoom.
Class Size Limitations:
If we are forced to limit our class sizes, we will enter a hybrid format for classes. We will separate classes into two groups, A & B. We will then have A groups come twice a week into the studio while B is on a Zoom call during their class time at home. The B group will then come the other two days, while A Zooms at home. The following week, we will switch the groups to either come in on the opposite days or to be on Zoom. Tuition remains the same.
Mandated Studio Shut Down:
If we re-enter Shelter in Place or Phase 1, and are forced to shut down, classes will still continue in two different forms. We will do our best to continue our regularly scheduled class time for each class via Zoom. If we cannot continue with the same schedule for all classes, a pre-recorded class link will be offered on that day for that class. The length of the class, may shorten a bit. The reason for the class to become shorter has to do with the dancing conditions at home. Most people don't have space to do across the floor which takes up roughly 15 minutes of each class in each genre.
Tuition will remain the same for the first month of classes. If we have to enter into multiple months of Zoom/Pre-Recorded, tuition will be discounted by 25%. We know there will be an end in sight and we will continue to work on dances during these Zoom/Pre-Recorded Classes.
Depending on the type of class, Zoom/Pre-Recorded classes MAY be combined. If there is choreography to be worked on, those classes will remain separate.
I agree to the above conditions and the newly implemented Limitations to Class sizes if need be, and the tuition rates for Zoom/Pre-Recorded Classes.
COVID-19 Studio Protocols & Injury
Temperatures will be scanned by the instructor before every class. Dancers with a fever of 99.5 or higher, will be asked to leave. If you or a family member you are living with tests positive for COVID-19, we will be following the CDC guidelines for returning to the studio for both symptomatic and asymptomatic cases.
Symptomatic Cases:
At least 3 days (72 hours) have passed since recovery*
At least ten days have passed since first symptom appeared
Asymptomatic Cases:
At least ten days have passed since the date of their first positive COVID-19 Test
*Recovery is the resolution of fever without using fever-reducing medications and improvement of respiratory symptoms.
We will no longer be allowing parents in the lobby of the building. If your dancer is in Creative Movement or Pre Ballet, you may walk your dancer into the studio. Dancers cannot enter until 5 minutes prior to their class time. Anyone entering, including dancers, must wear a mask. Anyone entering the building, must hand sanitize.
We ask that dancers please limit the size of their bags and belongings when entering the studio. If a dancer has a break in between classes, they must wear a mask while doing homework or waiting for their next class. ALL dancers must bring their OWN water bottles with them. If they eat, they are required to take home any of their own trash. If a dancer must wait for their class to begin, they will either do so in an unused studio in the main building, the lobby, or the back dressing area.
It will be up to the instructor if barres will be used. If they are used, they will be sanitized before and after usage. Bathrooms and hard surfaces will be sanitize every day.
Instructors who are teaching in Studio A or Studio B will wear masks during class time. Those in the Performance Studio will NOT be wearing masks.
En Pointe studio is not responsible for any lost and/or stolen items. We also are not responsible for any injuries that can occur within the dance classes.
Tuition / Late Fee
I agree to pay full tuition by the 15th of every month.
If payment is not paid in full by the 20th, I agree to pay the $15 late fee.
If you have a credit card on file, En Pointe Studio will post your tuition on the first of everything month. They will be in charge of charging your card on the 15th and no later than the 20th.
NSF/Bank Fee = $30.00 for any returned check or bank draft for non-sufficient funds.
Tuition is to be paid regardless of absences.
Make up classes can be done by contacting the instructor for information for that particular make up.